Well well, with 13 minutes I didn't achieve my goal. This year contained other, much bigger milestones.
The Old Castle got performed a few times, aswell as the Ketchup song and the Supertramp medley. And the Slaaplied serves it's purpose pretty well, becoming a theme song for Fratz.
No goal for 2018 as I'm bound not to achieve much musically...
Slaaplied für Fratz und Schatz: 1,5 minutes
The ketchup song, arranged and translated for german Choir: 4 minutes
The old castle - Mussorgsky
arranged for cello quartet, 3,5 minutes
Supertramp medley, arranged for choir: 4 minutes
The Old Castle got performed a few times, aswell as the Ketchup song and the Supertramp medley. And the Slaaplied serves it's purpose pretty well, becoming a theme song for Fratz.
No goal for 2018 as I'm bound not to achieve much musically...
Slaaplied für Fratz und Schatz: 1,5 minutes
The ketchup song, arranged and translated for german Choir: 4 minutes
The old castle - Mussorgsky
arranged for cello quartet, 3,5 minutes
Supertramp medley, arranged for choir: 4 minutes